Karma Vista Vineyards

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Peach Train & Muscat

"So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you."

             -The Kinks

Seems like it's been a long winter doesn't it?  Mid April.  Still cold.  May spit snow tonite.  How heartless can mother nature be?  On the other hand...We are finding many more live buds out there on the farm than we have a right to expect.  Winter low temps were somewhere in that 15 below zero range a couple of times.   Probably don't have the right to expect any live buds at this point, but we've got em.  We're kind of in uncharted territory here.   Just don't need to lose any more to spring frost.  Haven't got any buds to spare at this point.  What's the best way to avoid spring frost you ask?  Just so happens the best prevention is a late, late spring. The later the weather breaks, the less likely we are to have freezing early morning temps.  Once the plants finally come out, they are off to the races and can make up for lost time quite quickly.  So while everyone else is cursing mother nature right now, we are keeping our mouth shut and quietly slipping on heavier clothes.  Last average frost date is around May 10th.  That date looks pretty close right now, but let's not jinx it by talking about it.  Perhaps if we don't curse mother nature, she will return the favor.   

Instead, we are busy bottling.  We just released our 2013 vintages of Valvin Muscat and Peach Train.  Some fantastic stuff, if I do say so myself.  April is Michigan Wine Month and we hope to have many more new releases bottled before the month is done.  In order to accomplish that we need some cold weather so we are not distracted by all there is to do outside on the farm.  Fortunately, the forecast is in our favor.  At least for the next week.  Are we lucky to live in Michigan or what?   

Keith, the day after his 30th birthday, nose to the grindstone, or stainless steel as it were.